elearning Development Standards
A comprehensive digital reference guide that outlines instructional design theories and principles and practical elearning development standards. Created for the LCBO Retail Training team.
The Learning Portal
An open educational resource (OER) created for Ontario college students. Project features modular, multi-modal information literacy content. Project co-chair and instructional designer of the Research Hub.
Working Safely in Retail Stores During COVID-19
A self-directed elearning course designed and developed for Retail Store employees to reiterate and reinforce the importance of COVID-19 safety protocols. Developed using Evolve Authoring elearning authoring tool.
Fair Dealing Assessment Tool
Developed to support college faculty in assessing if their material reuse qualifies as a Fair Dealing exception under Copyright Law. A Storyline 3 activity.
Guess My Age
An interactive activity designed and developed using Articulate Storyline 360. Uses swiping apps as design inspiration to simulate the selection of a person’s age.
Remediated PDF Document
Sample of an editable form PDF document with proper tagging structure that ensures the document’s readability by assistive technology devices.